Whenever I drop by EDSA Shangrila Mall, I make it a point to eat at the food court. Here is where I can only find the House of Mini's Steaks. Their steaks are not the thin and cheap type of other foodcourt grilled stalls. Mini's steaks are heavy, juicy and thick - grilled based on your choice - "rare", "medium" or "well done" and accompanied with potaoes and vegetables and mushroom soup. You can choose rice or bread with the set menu. I usually choose the bread since the meat itself will make your tummy full and heavy - digesting the meat will take more than 24 hours. Better drink tea after to speed up the digestion. The price? -ranges from P120 - P200 - it's cheap compared to the first class steak house. I remember eating in an Aussie steak resto and we went home disappointed because their steak was too dry - not our type. At Mini's, I always feel satisfied of the food and the price and I always look forward to eating there again.
1 comment:
there's a House of Minis along C-5 road near Lydia's Lechobn, before Sandoval bridge, before Jacinto's Panciteria, just a few meters past Julia Vargas Ave. if you're coming from Makati. At least, you don't need to go inside any noisy mall.
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