Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Paskuhan sa Don Bosco Calauan - 29 Dec 2015

The Kids of Don Bsoco Calauan

The organizers and volunteers
Apple suggested that we do an outreach activity during the Christmas break to expose our kids on sharing our blessings to the poor. There were many possible venues for this kind of acvitiy such as Boy's Town or Home for the Aged.  I suggested Don Bosco Calauan as a possible venue since we have already been visiting this place and I know personally Fr. Salvador "Boy" Pablo, SDB who heads the community. We need the support of some friends to realize this activity. I texted my Don Bosco Pampanga Batchmates and suggested the idea. When I got a positive feedback especially from Alexis "Tetet" Pineda that he will join the event (he has work but he plans to take a leave) and the approval of the date by Fr. Boy, the plan for the "Paskuhan sa Don Bosco Calauan" was conceptualized. Apple even volnteered her OPAPP Policy Office Staff to be the volunteers.  The call for donors and volunteers were posted in social media like facebook and yahoo groups.  There were positive response or "likes" in FB and comments of pledges to support kids. A pledge for a kid was estimated at P200.00 for food and  gifts. Actual cost was P285.00 per kid. The total amount received until Dec 29, 2015 is equivalent to about 190 kids. The event supported 100 kids for lunch and loot bags. The extra funds collected were donated to the Salesian of Saint John Bosco (Bayani Juan Bosco sa Calauan).

Watch the slide show below of the snapshots of the event.

Paskuhan sa Don Bosco Calauan - 29 Dec 2015 from andyoreta

Thank you to all the donors and volunteers: Tetet Pineda and Family, UP Engg AISC'83 Family (Matt Lutao, Vic Macam, Art Fabia, Sammy Hernando), Agnes Lopez Reano, Cynthia Hardy, Sebio Nacpil, Fred Dayrit, Jun Coronel and family, Gettie Sandoval, Tino Tanjuakio, Elmer Cuevas, Dina Maglalang, Pam, Rey Vitug, Cosette Oreta-Aguas, Bong & Aileen Salvador, Arnel Feliciano, Leah, Ellene Dionisio, Maricel Paringit, Kenn Ramirez, OPAPP staff and anonymous donors and volunteers. Kayo ay ang mga BAYANI NI JUAN BOSCO SA CALAUAN!

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