Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Discovering Science at Singapore by Geoffrey Oreta

Controlling a Chameleon Robot
One of the highlights of our stay at Singapore was visiting the Science Centre on May 6, 2011. The first part we went to was “the mind’s eye”. Here, we saw optical illusions. Then we went to “the atrium”. We saw a makeshift tornado, a  whirlpool, fog rings, and much more. Next, we went to the sound exhibit and saw sound haircuts, metal grass that danced to music, and a foley studio. Then, we went to the DNA lab and saw different kinds of genes and DNA. We then went to the mathematics exhibit and discovered the wonders of math. In the water exhibit, we saw a big aquarium! There were also exhibits about microbes. At the second floor, we saw different kinds of robots and their history. There were replicas of R2D2, an Aibo dog and Wall-E. We also watched a show about the story of flight and learned about Da Vinci and the Wright brothers. My sister Julia liked the “discovery zone” with different kinds of exhibits and contraptions for kids. We also went to the robot zoo and saw a lot of robotic animals. The chameleon robot was even controllable! Finally, we went to i-space. My favourite exhibit was the sound exhibit because it was really interesting and fun. My Dad was disappointed though because the Omni theatre was closed during our visit. But generally, the science centre was awesome! Geof2011JJJJ

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