Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Presenting, Toby and Coby Hamsters!

Last Summer, I made a pact with Julia, that as soon as she finishes her summer swimming lessons, we'll get her hamsters. She was ecstatic that just after the first day of her swimming lessons, she bugged us to no end about "the promise." How can one refuse a kid who bargains with that sweet little eyes and smile ...

So we got the hamsters - two males since we don't want a poultry of hammies. Naming them was tricky. We argued on several names - Bob, Rocky, Brownie..., until the names just sprang out - Coby and Toby! Coby is the colored brown hamster, while Toby is white one.

(Though Toby 1, the white hammie, suddenly died after just 10 days for reasons we couldn't understand. We buried him and had a small white tomb with his name on it. We got a second white hamster and named it Toby 2).

Very tiny when we got them, now they are "adolescents" - how did we know? Because their 'testicles' suddenly appeared from nowhere that we had to research if they are afflicted with a sickness called 'huge testicles syndrome' or something. We soon learned that it's normal for hamster, as soon as they reach puberty, to have huge t's and there's nothing to worry about (Believe me, they are H-U-G-E- huge)

They have been a joy ever since, Toby and Coby. After a tiring day at work/ school, just watching these two energetic kiddos fool around and exercise their hearts out is enough to put a smile on our face... They actually are good inspirations to those too lethargic to exercise.

(in the first video is Coby in the exercise wheel while Toby is busy cleaning himself)

(in the second video, Coby and Toby share the wheel)

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