Fishballs, banana cue, karioka (sweet and chewy rice balls), sugar donuts, flavored corn - these are our favorite street foods at UP. Every Sunday, after hearing mass at the UP Chapel, we make it a point to buy one of these simple street foods at the UP Shopping Center.
Apple's favorite is the karioka. My favorites are the fish balls and the squid balls dipped in spicy sauce. The fish ball is a popular snack at UP since my college days here 30 years ago. The kolehiyas in UP used to say then: "Let's make tusok-tusok the fishballs." The kids love the sugar donuts, the corn with cheese flavor and the banana cue. Oh, I remember the banana cue - it has been our staple snack for two years during our Citizen's Military Training sessions at UP.
Street foods have gone a long way. Before, they used to be the food of the poor masses. Now, you will find street food carts inside air-conditioned malls with fancy brand names. The rich and famous are now eating fishballs, betamax(grilled chicken intestines), quek-quek (quail eggs), etc. But when can the poor eat the expensive caviar? :-(
i miss carioca