Thursday, December 31, 2009

Thankful for the Blessings in 2009

With the coming of the new year, we look back to the things that we are thankful for. We are thankful for:
1. Our family and friends - without them we would not have achieved our personal and professional accomplishments, and with them, these achievements have become more meaningful.
2. Our students. Being both educators, Andy and I are rooted on the ground because of our students. In a way, they are our biggest fans and critics - how they perform in their exams, project, thought papers, class discussions, computations, research papers, among others, clearly tell us how we fared as their teachers.
3. Our people. No matter what one says, Filipinos are still worth fighting for, and if necessary, dying for. It may sound like a broken record, even a cliche but we have seen so much heroism among our people, and it makes our hearts bleed when politicians wantonly use "the people" to justify their own selfishness.

Last Dec. 30, 2009 we witnessed the fireworks display at the QC Memorial Circle. It was a 15 minute thrill for the kids. Let's welcome the new year with hope and do our part to make our country better. Happy New Year to all.

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