Thursday, January 29, 2009

Survey on Fastfoods

Filipinos love to eat. If you want a quick bite, you go to fastfoods. I wonder which fastfoods are the Pinoy's favorite. Fill-up the survey at the right side of this blog and see how popular your favorite fastfood is.

Which "Pizza & Pasta" fastfood is your favorite?

(a) Shakey's
(b) Pizza Hut
(c) Greenwich
(d) None of the above

Which "Burger and Fries" fastfood is your favorite?

(a) Jollibee
(b) McDonald's
(c) Burger King
(d) None of the Above


  1. Pizza and Pasta is Pizza Hut!

    For Burger and Fries, it's McDonalds.

    Pero kung Chicken and Spaghetti, Jollibee is the best!

  2. we will hold a survey for fried chicken soon...
