Maginhawa St., QC is a popular food street at Teacher's Village, QC. Our favorite restos here are Crazy Katsu, Fruilli Tratoria, Pancinteria and Pappa Didi's Ice cream. A new discovery is SteakFix - Tendermelts, a resto that serves "value for money steak" sets ranging from P185 to P500.00 with side dishes of your choice. Our Food ratings: Steak (3.5/5), Taste (4/5), Price (4/5), Service (4/5).
Thursday, December 29, 2022
Gudo Pizzeria & Steak along Congressional Ave., QC
If you happen to be traversing Congressional Avenue, QC from Mindanao Avenue and have time for a quick bite of steak, pizza or pasta, GUDO Pizzeria is one good place to visit. It serves value for money T-Bone steaks and Tasty Pizzas and Pastas. It is now located at its new place just after Tandang Sora Ave. intersection along Congressional Avenue. Our food ratings - steak (4/5), hungarian sausage (4/5), Alfredo's Pasta (3/5), Taste (3.5/5), Price (4/5). Price ranges from P200 to P400.00 Next time we will try their pizza.
One attraction of Gudo's is Kusing, the Mr. Bigote Cat. Kusing welcomes the guest with a meow!